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My Channel

by Cadmus | Mar 10, 2021

You've put all that hard work into creating and maintaining your YouTube channel just to have your content spoiled by vicious spammers. What's worse is Imposter channels using your name and logo to entice your followers to contact them forever tarring your name if they are led into a trap.

We know YouTube provide a couple of tools to deal with this kind of evil but they are not good enough for fast paced/daily channels that receive 100's if not 1000's of comments. If the list below is all too familiar maybe it's time to get an Army of Dragons on your side!

Unprecedented Challenge

  • - Imposter Channel Comments
  • - Unwanted Spam Comments
  • - Reputation Damage
  • - Time Consuming to maintain comments
  • - I need help!
Cadmus the Dragon

Always ready to help, checkout the packages we offer from FREE to your very own Thunder of Dragons to help manage your unwanted visitors.